At Essex County Council’s Cabinet Meeting today (16 July 2013), the decision was taken to move forward to the next step of the Superfast Broadband project which means that Essex County Council will be in a position to announce a preferred bidder and sign a contract for delivery in the coming weeks.
Essex County Council has been in the tender process since May 2013 and is awaiting supplier response on Friday 19 July. The sign off by Cabinet means that work can begin as soon as the contract has been signed.
Essex County Councillor Kevin Bentley, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Economic Growth and Infrastructure said, “I am pleased that we are now one step closer to bringing Superfast broadband to parts of the county that currently do not get this service. When the partner is announced, I will ensure that we work closely with them and share all the information we have gathered through the Make the Connection survey. This will help them to decide where to go first in Essex and we will share this with our business and residents.”
Essex County Council has received over 12,000 responses to the Make the Connection survey. This is still open to businesses and residents and the county council is encouraging people to register their interest by visiting
Superfast Essex is providing ‘Dell XPS 10 Tablets’ to two lucky survey responders. The winners will be announced on 27 September 2013. The prize draw is open to all, and will include all those who have responded to the survey since it started in September 2012. Minimum information required will be a landline number, e-mail address and postcode.